Morning rituals?
Do you have any? What does your morning routine look like?
These days, I prefer to opt for more sleep rather than get up any earlier than necessary. However this year, I am hoping (hopeful), with a now routinely sleeping toddler, to get up earlier and create more time in my day.
I’ll be working to incorporate more of the below rituals or habits into the sunrise hours. You may also find this list helpful.
1. Rise earlier.
Rising earlier is a sure fire way to add more time to your day. Noted, so is staying up late… But the latter is ill-advised as most humans have a natural tendency to shift their circadian rhythm to staying up later and later.
I have some big goals for 2018, the blog is growing and I’m juggling all these as a full-time mumma = need to figure out some efficient and effective ways of completing all my work, whilst maintaining my health and sanity.
2. Open your eyes to the natural light.
I grabbed onto this gem many years ago, when I first learnt about the diurnal body rhythms, and it has become one of my essential morning rituals. I open up all the curtains throughout the house and open my eyes to the sun (during the winter I do miss this!).
Everyone has an internal clock that regulates our many biology functions, including our awake/sleep cycle. Our awake/sleep cycle is environmentally influenced. During the early mornings, the hormone, cortisol gently rises peaking at around breakfast time, waking us up and propelling us into the day. As the sun sets and darkness ensues, a counter hormone, melatonin increases. Melatonin is your primary sleep hormone; it helps you fall asleep and sleep restfully. It peaks during the middle of the night and then slowly declines.
Sunlight and darkness are major players in regulating this diurnal rhythm and hence, it is recommended to avoid screens at night and to open your eyes to the sun during the morning.
3. Drink a glass of filtered water.
One of the first things you consume in the morning ought to be H2O. Through the simple act of sleeping, you’ve been on a water fast for quite some time and are possibly, likely, a little dehydrated. Water is the elixir of life. It is required for billions (trillions?) of biochemical reactions, including digesting your breakfast.
4. Review your daily plan(s).
First thing in the morning, I usually revise my plan of attack for the day (with some flexibility of course; essential with young children in tow). If I don’t have a daily to-do list, I find I’ll move through the day feeling lost and unproductive = a sure route spiral to depressed, mean-girl thoughts.
This revision might include literally writing out dot points, discussing plans with other parties, or just thinking it through in my mind.
5. Flex your cognitive muscle.
Mornings are a great time for learning and/or flexing your creative juices. I’m hoping to start writing more during these hours (toddler permitting). Reading an interesting article or book on an enjoyable topic is a wonderful way to start the day inspired and motivated.
Even Tim Ferris is a fan of ‘morning pages’.
6. Move your body.
Let’s face it – you’ve been lying immobile for 7+ hours.
I remember a time when I felt really great, really empowered and driven (sure I was younger) – but I also had this morning ritual – I’d jump out of bed, do some star-jumps, stretches, squats and other dynamic movements. Some people swear by yoga or Pilates in the morning. Definitely worth a try.
7. Mix up your breakfast.
I don’t know about you, but I often find myself getting into a breakfast rut – eating the same thing over and over again. I do like the routine of this. But my digestion and other body systems prefer more variety. This year I hope to be more open and organised for new breakfast eats.
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