Jodie Theia

10 Strategies to Reduce Your Risk of Dementia Now


Dementia prevention begins now!

Dementia is a disease that commonly manifests in older age. BUT the process that leads to dementia begins very EARLY in life.

Dementia projections are set to rise substantially! That means; you and I are at a heightened risk for developing this life disabling REALITY.

The reality of dementia is a chronic neurological decline that impacts memory, thinking, behaviour (aggression, delusions, and hallucinations), freedom and self-sufficiency.


Over 50% of residents in Australian-government aged care facilities have dementia.
47 million people worldwide have dementia.
75 million people are predicted to have dementia by 2030, and 135 million by 2050!
Dementia is NOT a natural state of ageing. Unfortunately there is a genetic component to dementia.

Genetics loads the gun and environment pulls the trigger. – Dr. Francis Collins


1. Move your body –

A sedentary lifestyle is associated with an increased risk for developing dementia and Alzheimer’s. Intensity of exercise is also important. If you’re local and would like some guidance and accountability with your exercise program, book a personal training appointment here.

2. Avoid a high nasty fat diet –

The type of fats predominant in your diet matter! Avoid pro-inflammatory seed oils, margarine and highly processed foods. Instead replace with sources of healthy fats like organic butter, olives, extra virgin olive oil, nuts, seeds, wild salmon, and avocado. One study showed a reduced incident of dementia with fish consumption.

3. Harmonise your hormones –

Hormones have a profound impact on brain structure and function. A recent study showed positive results for oestrogen therapy if commenced early during menopause. Read more on oestrogen here. Low testosterone levels have similarly been connected with heightened dementia risk.

4. Prioritise restful sleep –

Sufficient, uninterrupted sleep is when the brain optimizes repair.

5. Address the stress –

The stress hormone ‘cortisol’ is linked to dementia. Breathe and make time to slow down and switch off.

6. Avoid unnecessary iron supplementation or excess red meat consumption.

Altered iron metabolism including a significant deposition of iron has been found in the brains of individuals with dementia.

7. Quit smoking –

Smoking damages brain cells and blood vessels that provide oxygen and nutrition to the brain.

8. Avoid the sugar roller costa –

Insulin resistance and poor sugar regulation increases the risk of dementia. Limit sugary foods, as well as processed and refined white flours and products made from them such as cake, cookies, pastries, white bread, donuts, muffins, etc.

9. Stay curious and keep learning –

Continuous learning and engagement keeps the brain active and the memory pathways fresh.

The future projections for dementia do not need to be our reality. Take steps today to look after your brain and mitigate your personal risk.



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About Jodie

(ANutr, GDipNut, BSc, BA) Jodie is the director of Moving Nutrition, a postgraduate university qualified nutritionist, personal trainer, ex-dancer and choreographer, and a new mum. Jodie specializes in mood (depression, anxiety, irritability, OCD), gut health, weight concern, and establishing a postive relationship with food. She is also knowledgeable in sports nutrition for recreational athletes and competitive dancers. The Moving Nutrition blog is here to educate, encourage and empower you to live your healthiest, happiest life, and is filled with simple, delicious, real food recipes. Jodie is on a mission to harmonize nutrition science and intuitive wellness. Stay in touch #movingnutrition Read More…

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